If you've been following the blog, I am on a holiday. But last night a trip to
Bikanerwala, (yes, they have a branch in Auckland, New Zealand), had me stumped. Not stumped as in stumped, stumped. But THE STUMPED that has a 'have-heard-but-still-stumped' feeling. Well, the man at the counter mentioned he read that the world is coming to an end on May 21. That is next month. In six weeks. Harold Camping, the preacher who has predicted the doomsday says that in a flash 2% of the world population will come to an end. Why does it feel that Australia and New Zealand that makes for almost 2% of the world population will come to an end first? (The 2% is my calculation)
PS: It's Jeetendra's birthday today. The actor Jeetendra.