Disclaimer: Don't bother pronouncing the headline! Even I can't :)
Shower routine in the mornings is a battle with the loofah. I don't know how many of you go through this but I have a war zone going on in there. After I've finished my shower, the last bit or the major part of the shower time is spent squeezing out the bubbly, frothy residue from the loofah. The drill goes something like this: Loofah under the shower and squeeze. Again loofah under the shower, wiggle (not me silly, the loofah) and squeeze again. ONCE AGAIN loofah under the shower and a tight squeeze. Still some milky bubbly residue. Once again loofah under the shower and ... To hell with it! Just hang it up like a dead man and let its blood (residue) fall drop by drop on the shower tub squeezing the life out of it.
Did you know in ancient times, people used to use loofah made of real plants to clean their body and that's how the concept of loofahs came along. Now, when you go bathing, spare a minute or two admiring the bath wonder. Am just kidding, let it die, drop by drop... ha ha ha!
BTW for hygiene purposes, you should be changing your loofah every 2 months. Unless you wanna bathe with bacteria sliding (up and down) happily on your body!
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